Hello World Welcome To #Advice
#Advice..... is a help channel for everyone, were we try our best, to give help to people on various topics, such as Irc related help, to personal problems, to life in general etc. etc. our aim is to help the people in need, and to try our best to cheer them up at the same time :), and help them the best we can.. We are based on both Dalnet and the Undernet.
We are also looking for people who are aged 18 years and over, to help us out on either the Undernet or Dalnet. Our aim and future hopes are to basically get as many helpers as possible, and aim for a 24 hr help channel, for people to use, and basically join, if they are feeling low, or need someone to talk to, about there problems, they are more then welcome to join.
P E R S O N A L - I N F O R M A T I O N
Here is a little information about myself, I just hope you don�t doze off whilst reading it :).
My name is Sunny.. I am a 100% male and proud to be.. I am from good old rainy/windy/snowy and not so Sunny England. I am 99 with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana skin :), not quite, I am 24 years young, a student in my final year of a 4 year B.Sc. course in Computer Science, I also work for an ISP.
In my spare time, I like keeping fit, socializing, reading, sports which involve (Cricket, Snooker, Pool and Football), I also like listening to music, movies, love animals and also enjoy spending time with my family and friends :).
Below are the 10 most Important things that matter to me :)
(1) My family (I could kill for them)
(2) Love (which money cannot and never will be able to buy)
(3) Women (I love, care and respect them all)
(4) Happiness (Love to be and love seeing other people happy to)
(5) Friends (They mean the world to me)
(6) Honesty (I love people that are honest and not afraid to speak there minds)
(7) Children (Life would be so boring without brats :)
(8) Computers (My weakness)
(9) Peace (which the world needs)
(10) Irc (the place where I live :)
These are the 10 things I hate and feel strongly against
(1) Racism (don�t know why it exists)
(2) Abuse (I could kill men, that physically abuse women and children)
(3) Child-Porn (don�t know how sick people can be, they should never exist.
(4) Exposure (breaks my heart when I see women selling themselves for money, exposing on the net.. and hanging out on lame vulgar sex channels with vulgar nicknames, they look cheap and vulgar doing such things, Wake up please.
(5) Drugs (hate to see young people taking them, and not realizing the harm they cause, I could kill the dealers for putting them through this.���
(6) Hypocrites (people who are sweet on your face, the moment your back is turned they bitch.
(7) Double Standards (people who stab you in the back)
(8) Smoking (don�t appreciate women who do)
(9) Criminals (they should be punished severely)
(10) Crime (the only way to get peace in this world, is to put an end to it)
I would make a good prime-minister one day, wouldn�t I? :)), I would also like to mention that I am not perfect nobody is, but what I have put on the Internet has come from the heart, I am just an ordinary person, who cares :) and am the same on and off the net and love to be this way. :)
# A D V I C E
I would like to thank all the channel ops on #Advice , without who�s continued help the channel wouldn�t have been possible a big thank you, to McMatter and Soul-Saver in particular :) and I would like to welcome everyone to the channel, who are in need of help... and if anyone is Interested in helping us out.. you can email me.
Once again channel ops, keep up the good work :) and thank you very much.
G 0 0 D� - B Y E
I LOVE YOU ALL :)))))))))))))))))
Sunny !!!!! (The one and only) !!!!!!!�